Try it Now
To view the SEA Scale and see its capabilities, you will need to create an account, which needs to be made by an appointed administrator within your organisation. The administrator will be responsible for buying and allocating credits on the account, as well as setting up individual assessors. As an assessor you can make assessments using the SEA Scale.
Any information submitted will be used for the purposes of setting up the account and will not be shared with any third party, as per our privacy policy.
Buy Credits
If you are the administrator for an organisation, you will be able to buy credits and set up assessors to use the SEA Scale.
Get Reminders
As an assessor you will receive six monthly reminders to ensure that the next SEA Scale is completed at the optimal time.
Repeat Assessments
You can view all assessments on each child in one place or download them, so that repeat assessments can be compared with previous ones.